Yohkoh is a multi-barrel range crafted around performance and perfection. The vibrant Yohkoh offers perfectly balanced dart profiles to suit all throws and techniques. The barrels consist of contemporary radial grooves throughout which is enhanced by black PVD performance coating which is overlaid with sandblasting offering a unique matte finish. The radial grooves are then re-machined to give a striking silver finish.
Radial grooves - The barrels consist of contemporary radial grooves. Performance coating - Features black PVD performance coating and hand sandblasting delivering enhanced grip. Pro Grip Shafts - Fitted with Target’s market leading Pro Grip shaft.
Mitat: 22g- 6.50mm x 52mm 23g- 6.65mm x 52mm 24g- 6.80mm x 52mm
Yohkoh is a multi-barrel range crafted around performance and perfection. The vibrant Yohkoh offers perfectly balanced dart profiles to suit all throws and techniques. The barrels consist of contemporary radial grooves throughout which is enhanced by black PVD performance coating which is overlaid with sandblasting offering a unique matte finish. The radial grooves are then re-machined to give a striking silver finish.
Radial grooves - The barrels consist of contemporary radial grooves. Performance coating - Features black PVD performance coating and hand sandblasting delivering enhanced grip. Pro Grip Shafts - Fitted with Target’s market leading Pro Grip shaft.
Mitat: 22g- 6.50mm x 52mm 23g- 6.65mm x 52mm 24g- 6.80mm x 52mm
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